That is one Smart looking board if you ask me!
As you may have guessed this weeks blog rant is on the topic of Smartboards, and how they may be used in the classroom. I'm from southern Alberta, and a very large number of K-12 classrooms received these devices over the past few years. It just appears to be a whiteboard, with a projector attached, but it is really much more than that. The computer software that comes with the board is a platform for teachers to create lessons in a whole new way.

As our assignment last week we were tasked with creating a very short (7 minute) Smartboard activity that had to do with one of the SLO's from the curriculum in a specific subject area. Me and my partner decided to do the Grade 6 Sky Science, and explore our solar system with some smart board technology. I am not ashamed to admit that I was pretty excited at the notion of making some fun Smartboard activities come to life, and I LOVE the solar system! I think the rest of the class was just as excited, because I saw most of them playing with the software before the lecture was half over.

So anyways, after class my partner and I got to work right away conceptualizing how an interactive activity on the solar system would work. It was great fun just sifting through the possibilities, but we eventually settled on (what we think is) a very fun activity where students get to learn about the basic appearance of the 8 planets and Pluto. They then get to drag the actual planets into a line after the sun, putting them in order as given by the slides leading up to it. I think it will be great fun and am very excited to try it out!

Until then....

10/8/2013 01:00:48 pm

Hi Zach, I also agree that the use of SMART boards in the classroom is very exciting and so much fun! Not just for the students but for the teacher as well! Now that you have presented your solar system SMART board lesson would you have changed anything to make it better?

10/8/2013 06:10:50 pm

Hi Lenae,
That's really ironic!

To answer the question I feel like the notebook activity itself was designed well overall. Someone mentioned we could have set the labels to be in the top layer to they can be seen over the planets better. Another idea I would implement could be some sound effects to make the experience more engaging and attention-grabbing.

If anything the one area that could always be polished is the delivery itself, having a system for calling upon students to use the board, and perhaps integrating a few key questions!

Overall the presentation went well and I'm much more comfortable designing Smartboard lessons! :)

10/10/2013 12:40:14 pm

You both had a fantastic presentation! There is always something after you wish you had incorporated but trust me haha sound is not always needed and can even hinder... But I definitely think you could extend that lesson for a whole period with a class! Reminded me of an episode from magic school bus and got me super excited about the solar system.

10/12/2013 01:54:57 am

I enjoyed reading your posts Zach and your presentation on the planets was very effective, I am glad that you had a good experience creating it.


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