I don't think that technology is something that teachers need to be afraid of in the classroom. It is certainly true that as teachers we must be careful how we use the technology, but it is certainly worth learning to do right. I think the most common mistake teachers make with technology is what I like to call the "wizard" problem. Teachers generally love to learn, which is wonderful in the world of technology as there is always something new to learn. Teachers will very often learn how to USE the program very well, and will be well versed in many of the features. This does not mean they know WHEN to use these features entirely though, and it can lead to problems in how smoothly a class is flowing and how much actual learning transfer is being accomplished. An example of this from class would be glitzy animations and effects in PowerPoint that take away from the presentations effectiveness. I think sometimes teachers employ these fancy features as a way to prove to students they know the technology well, but could be lacking the knowledge of when and why it is worthwhile to apply the tech.

Now that I've gone and stated the cautions above, I cannot stress enough how important it is that teachers take the time to learn the when and why or tech integration. Luckily for student teachers like myself these things are taught as part of our programs, so when we enter the education field we will have a good idea of how to effectively integrate technology, not only currently but also as it changes. For current teachers in the field who may have years of experience though, it is harder to leap that hurdle. The key of the issue is that leaping into a new technology leads to the scenario like I explained above, where we use the technology simply for the sake of using it, and it doesn't really lend itself to the instruction. The other risk, one even worse in my opinion is choosing to try and avoid the tech like the plague so as not to make a mistake, and teaching without it's use. While I would not suggest technology needs to be used all the time in instruction, as it is not always an enhancement to the lesson, I would say that we should definitely use it where we can. The idea of 21st century skills and the explosion of the digital world are clues enough that tech is on the move and it will only become more integrated into our curriculum.

The best thing teachers can possibly do to help their students ride that wave is to be educated themselves, not only on how the tech works but also in when they should be using it as an additional enhancement to instruction. When we as a province can master using technology in all the right places, students all over Alberta will be ready to face the digital world they are growing up into.

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